數據帝國:正在到來的數據革命怎樣變革人類生活? (下)
摘要: 對於金融行業來說,越透明博弈越難,越確定收益越低。最近Forbs、FTimes等國外著名金融刊物以“華爾街人神共憤的叛徒”報導了Kensho這家科技公司,實際上,早在12年Kensho已經讓華爾街緊張了一輪,它所做的是將大量...
摘要: 大數據是對於大規模現象的一種模糊的表達。這一術語如今已經被企業家、科學家、政府和媒體炒得過熱。五年前,谷歌的一個研究小組在全球頂級的科學雜誌《自然》上宣布了一個令人矚目的成果。該小組可以追踪美國境內 ...
Several large U.S. banks are using big data primarily to understand how customers use their different channels, such as branches, online, mobile, call centers and ATMs, according to a recent study by Thomas Davenport and Jill Dyché at the International Institute for Analytics working with SAS Institute.
Neurologists at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles and IBM IBM -0.65% data scientists are working together to detect dangerous changes in inter-cranial pressure — pressure inside the skull – earlier than current diagnostics detect it, so patients can be helped sooner.