摘要: 時間對我們普通人來說,它是從鐘錶傳達出來的。幾點起床,幾點上班,幾點吃飯,幾點睡覺……但真的認識時間的本質嗎?而時間對於區塊鏈來說,又意味著什麼?基於對時間的理解,誕生了一個新的區塊鏈項目Solana,它會對區塊鏈世界帶來什麼級別影響?現在還不知道。不過,我們可以隨時關注Solona這種探索,它的「歷史證明機制(PoH)」的創新值得我們關注。本文源自於 Proof Of History 官網序言《How Do You Tell Time?》,由專欄作者藍狐筆記整理、翻譯與撰稿。
摘要: When it comes to blockchain, there are ultimately only two obstacles to overcome for the practical programmer, one appearing after the other. Firstly, “Does blockchain function?” and then, “Does it function better than a centralized software would, applied to the same idea?” The former question has been prevalent in the last decade of discussion around blockchain, but the answer is now a definitive “Yes”. Our ability to deploy this technology has improved, so the conversation now turns to the second question.