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摘要:By the standards of most technologies, blockchain ought to still be in its infancy. The modern computer, for example, has been around for over 80 years. Cloud computing is still gaining market share in many industries, despite having been around since 1996.


摘要:You may have heard about cold and hot digital wallets but do you know how they are different from each other?




摘要:V神(Vitalik Buterin)認為,雖然從長遠看,layer 1應保持簡單和穩定,layer 2聚焦更多創新,這種想法是好的。但是,從短期看,layer 1還不夠強大,要想達成這種layer 1和layer2的完美分層關係,首先要讓layer 1足夠強大,而這個足夠強大就是要讓layer 1協議達到一定級別的功能。所謂的一定級別,就是實現layer 1和layer 2完美互補關係的最小功能級別。V神用“功能逃逸速度”進行比喻。那麼,layer 1必須要有那些最小功能呢?其中包括一種可以驗證需要驗證的任意內容的程式語言;豐富的有狀態性(如授權改變代幣狀態而無需完全釋放它們的能力);數據可擴展性和低延遲等。本文源自於以太坊創造者 Vitalik Buterin 的個人部落格文章《Base Layers And Functionality Escape Velocity》,由專欄作者藍狐筆記整理、翻譯與撰稿。


摘要:根據美國銀行證券的最新報告,表示如果在比特幣剛發展時投資 1 美元,則目前價值則會超過 90,000 美元;但是這個 2010 年代擁有最佳報酬表現的金融資產,仍然會受到許多經濟學家與投資巨頭的批判。


摘要:FoPay 背後的母公司 在過去由於私自凍結投資人帳戶、使其無法提領餘額,而爭議不斷;但是據 Cointelegragh,在今年 12 月 15 號由 FoPay 併購愛沙尼亞加密貨幣交易所 AliExchange 的收購案背後,從 Foin 代幣不合理的市場價格走勢,以及 FoPay 又再次暫停提供投資人提款服務,綜合幾個面向來看,投資人應該提高警惕、以免受騙。




摘要:眾人在煙火和歡呼中送走了 2019,而在新的一年,幣安執行長趙長鵬 CZ 也發布了「致社區、用戶和團隊的一封公開信」,信中回顧了 2019 年幣安所打下的基礎和面臨的挑戰,也展望了對 2020、甚至 2030 年的期許和願景。


摘要:從區塊鏈新創 Circle 脫離的老字號加密貨幣交易所 Poloniex,日前才發布公告表示他們收購了以波場區塊鏈生態為基礎而打造的去中心化交易所 TRXMarket,之後將更名為 Poloni DEX 在亞太區擴張,近期又傳出新的消息,不過這次恐怕是用戶最擔心的噩耗:資訊外流。


摘要:劉世偉畢業於加州史丹佛大學電機研究所,曾任職於日立、三星、西門子國際資通訊技術、中華民國中央研究院孟懷縈院士創辦的創銳訊 (Atheros) 、高通中國上海行銷總監,負責年營業額三千五百萬美元的產品線。於2014年接觸比特幣,肯定區塊鏈技術的發展潛力,同年放棄高管職位回台,先後創立臺灣第一間數字貨幣錢包與買賣平台Maicoin、奠基於以太坊 (Ethereum) 技術的帳聯網金融科技公司 AMIS 以及數字資產交易所MAX。


摘要:比特大陸傳將裁員一半員工,針對無法營利的 AI 業務部門進行重點優化,並將剩餘資源專注投入於主要礦機業務開展。


摘要:隨著數位時代來臨,網銀已經成為趨勢,而比網銀走在更前面的是「加密數位銀行」(crypto digital bank),結合科技、接納加密貨幣並擁抱區塊鏈,這種數位銀行帳戶將允許用戶在同一帳戶中持有法定貨幣和數位貨幣等多種不同類型的貨幣。


摘要:As we prepare to say goodbye to the 2010s, I have been reflecting on the past decade in donor-advised funds (DAFs). There are some important truths that fuel charitable giving, including DAFs, and that have remained the same for a long time—Americans are generous and donors want to stay close to their philanthropy.


摘要:There is no denying a global shift toward regulating privacy with new legislation such as General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). With this, an increasing number of trends are emerging with respect to privacy legislation comparative to the landscape five years ago.


摘要:During 2019, equities rallied to all-time highs despite ongoing concerns about slowing global growth.


摘要:在這篇文章中,我們將介紹 LSTM 模型。


摘要:Big bucks are not a prerequisite to being a successful investor


摘要:“This one time, at band camp…” Everyone knows that you do embarrassing things at “band camp” so the analogy seems fitting. A long time ago, I did something really dumb with my options trading, and I lost a significant amount of money because of it. In this article, I am going to share with you my story along with the lessons to be learned so that you can avoid unnecessary pain and loss in your own trading. The article includes real numbers and calculations because you have to be able to understand and calculate your costs and gains if you want to be a successful options trader. After the wonky stuff, I include some advice for how to avoid making the type of mistake that I did, as well as some advice on how to approach mistakes that inevitably happen anyway.



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