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摘要: The recent splits of AAPL and TSLA drew a lot of media attention. A common comment was “splits don’t change the stock fundamentals, so they shouldn’t affect valuation.”

摘要: 我們很快便確定新冠肺炎疫情將在短期內導致經濟前所未見地緊縮,但大規模的應對政策有助減輕不利影響,國內生產總值的累計跌幅將低於全球金融危機時期。 因此,我們於2月底建議投資人把握永續發展投資前所未見的機會,並於3月底建議策略性加碼風險資產。在股票大幅回升後,我們的策略框架對股票的看法調整至中立,但仍加碼信用債。我們認為較高的息差水準能抵銷違約風險上升的影響。 戰術配置反映較短期的投資觀點,我們於2月28日開始採用審慎觀點,對股票及信用債均作出中立布局。我們於4月6日重新略微上調風險水準,加碼信用債並看好可受惠於利多政策支持的優質資產。這主要反映在加碼美國股票、投資等級信用債及品質因子。 鑑於財政刺激作用減退的風險及大選結果具不確定性,我們目前對美國股票的看法下調至中立,並對新興市場轉趨審慎。我們上調對歐洲股票的看法,因歐洲週期性升勢使其吸引力大增。由於全球投資人渴求收益及央行重啟購買資產計劃,我們維持加碼信用債的觀點。


摘要: Harvest Global Investments is a fully owned subsidiary of Harvest Fund Management, one of the largest asset management companies in China with almost USD 140 billion in secondary market assets under management. As the international arm of the Harvest Group, Harvest Global Investments has been serving as the global gateway for global investors to access to China’s capital markets and the opportunity to participate in its rapid growth since 2008. As the CIO of Harvest Global Investments, I oversee all investment activities conducted by Harvest Global Investments and lead ESG initiatives for the Harvest Group.

摘要: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our daily lives, from the way we live to the way we work. At BNP Paribas Asset Management (BNPP AM), the priority has always been the safety and well-being of our staff, supporting our clients, and ensuring business continuity.

摘要: 數字貨幣,作為新型的貨幣形式,從投資角度出發,究竟有哪些優缺點?本文將為您介紹當下數字貨幣市值top5排名的數字貨幣,並與您分享在臺灣投資數位貨幣的方式及正規交易所,希望對您有所幫助。

摘要: In 2020, companies face an operational environment that is unlike any seen before. Rapid globalization has created fierce competition, and digitalization is driving innovation in every direction. As a result, firms that fall behind are going out of business, and more than half of all Fortune 500 companies have left the marketplace in the past 15 years.

摘要: Many leaders may be guilty of one of these three decision-making mistakes without even realizing it. Here's how to avoid them - and protect your team's culture, morale, and efficiency

摘要: In a potentially historic marriage of supercomputing and big data, IBM goes live Thursday with a global weather model that it says can provide far more accurate forecasts for the entire world.

摘要: Digitization in the finance industry has enabled technology such as advanced analytics, machine learning, AI, big data, and the cloud to penetrate and transform how financial institutions are competing in the market. Large companies are embracing these technologies to execute digital transformation, meet consumer demand, and bolster profit and loss. While most companies are storing new and valuable data, they aren’t necessarily sure how to maximize its potential, because the data is unstructured or not captured within the firm.

摘要: 從台北時間 10 月 23 日(昨)晚間 8 點 41 分開始,比特幣再度迎來了一波劇烈的跌勢。短短的 4 分鐘之內,比特幣價格從 7945 單位美元,急速下探了 5.14 % 來到了 7525 美元,凌晨 12 點左右(臉書創辦人 Mark Zuckberg 準備接受美國國會 Libra 質詢之際)比特幣更是來到了自今年 5 月 19 日,五個月以來的最低點 7,333 單位美元。由於帶領這次不尋常的 5 分鐘極短時間劇烈波動疑似是從美國交易所 Bitstamp 開始的,而 Bitstamp 恰好又是芝加哥商品交易所 CME 指數參考指標之一,外媒懷疑,此次的劇烈跌勢與華爾街對加密市場的刻意操縱有關聯。