摘要: From the Cambridge Analytica scandal to GDPR and data breach headlines, the idea that consumers should know how their data is used is gaining traction with governments and consumer groups. What does this trend mean for companies that rely on consumer data for their business model?
摘要: 美國安富社會科學書院(Global Social Science Institute)的一千萬捐助,成立「國立清華大學安富金融工程研究中心」。研究中心除投入金融領域研究外,預計從明年3月起,將每月即時公布以行政區為單位的「清華安富房價指數」,並成立免費房屋估價網,估算出的房價可精準到戶號及樓層。
摘要: LAST WEEK, BEN Goertzel and his company, Aidyia, turned on a hedge fund that makes all stock trades using artificial intelligence—no human intervention required. "If we all die," says Goertzel, a longtime AI guru and the company's chief scientist, "it would keep trading."
摘要: Central banks are alert to the challenge of cryptocurrencies, and are contemplating reactions ranging from prohibiting private issuance to embracing such currencies. This column argues that the risks of introducing a central bank digital currency are high while the efficiency gains do not seem large. A more efficient system can be achieved via innovation in current payment infrastructure.