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摘要: 比特幣在6月2日突破萬點後,又於6月3日暴跌至最低 8,700 美元,雖說熟悉市場的投資人們早已對比特幣的高波動性是見怪不怪了,但仍舊不免令人感到失望;不過,在金融觀點上深具權威性的媒體彭博社(Bloomberg),卻在本月 2 日發布的報告中,透露了一些好消息。

摘要: 投資人能藉由現貨市場能觀察到總體長期的價格趨勢,而加密貨幣衍生品市場同樣也能影響幣價,因此分析師認為同時關注這兩個市場對投資人將有益無害,且是日益增長的趨勢。

摘要: Over the past few years, the financial services industry has made huge strides in adopting new technologies like artificial intelligence into its workflow. The cache of data that banks can access holds endless potential to create valuable new products and experiences for clients. With this progress, however, comes concerns around the ethical use of personal data in banking. But with the right business practices in place, banks can reap the benefits of AI while keeping customers in control of their data and protected from its misuse.