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摘要: The history of creating a replica of physical body dates back to yester years when miniatures were built before the actual development of products or buildings. The process was proven to be quite effective in the management of the development process.

摘要: Why do artificial intelligence projects fail? Let’s examine some recurring issues – and expert advice on how to avoid them and increase your AI project’s chances for success

摘要: What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence in the capital markets industry insiders testified before the House Financial Services Committee’s Taskforce on Artificial Intelligence.

摘要: Big Data has swiftly become a dated, catch-all phrase in the online marketing lexicon, but it is undeniable that the amount of data and the speed at which is delivered, is still increasing at an exponential rate. For example, Gartner has predicted that enterprise data will grow 650 percent between by 2020, and IDC has stated that the world’s information now doubles approximately every 18 months.

摘要: The foreign exchange market has been one of the most restricted ones for several decades. Due to the many changes in the exchange rates and additional fees, many users could not comprehend the process of making payments. To make it simple for users, many fintech startups have started coming up with their own solutions to make changes to the overseas payments.

摘要: 最近幾年,倫敦在金融行業中的地位進一步上升。全球最具權威的國際金融中心地位的指標“全球金融中心指數”顯示,倫敦連續數次蟬聯全球前20大金融中心排名的冠軍。

摘要: Fintech的發展環境愈來愈成熟,業者接下來面臨的考驗,就是到底該往哪裡去。現在已經不是前幾年的「草創期」,大家都在探索、犯錯、跟既有體制衝撞;相反地,當產業中的競爭者愈來愈多,犯錯的空間也會變少,消費者的新鮮感更是高速衰退中。如果沒辦法找到對的方向,很難在下一輪的淘汰賽中存活。這個時候,參考一下其他國家的成功經驗,或許能有不少收穫。

摘要: STO 是證券型代幣,指的是透過代幣的形式,發行表彰財產權或債權的有價證券向大眾募資。 STO 和近年很夯的 ICO 差別在於, STO 必須獲得證券監管機構的許可,安全性更為提升。有人說, STO 是虛擬貨幣的未來應用,是募資的新手段;但本文作者認為, STO 和股權募資很像。台灣政府已在 2015 年開放民間業者經營股權募資平台,然而 4 年過去,卻沒有成功的案例。為什麼?作者將透過下文,帶我們了解 STO 的本質與群眾募資方式,討論台灣股權募資失敗的 3 個原因,以及如果台灣要推行 STO 鼓勵新創募資,要具備怎樣的條件。