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摘要: One of the most discussed topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain technology. We are beginning to understand what blockchain technology is, but how can we best use blockchain technology within our business? In this series we describe 5 blockchain technology use cases, such as smart contracts, identity management and share trading. We hope they will enhance your understanding of the opportunities and challenges of blockchain technology, and we welcome your feedback and further discussion.

摘要: With a population of just under a million, the small state of Delaware is nevertheless a behemoth when it comes to corporate finance law. The state carries the distinction of having the most well-developed body of corporate law in the country. As a result, two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated there and it is also where 85% of initial public offerings choose to domicile.

摘要: Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto published an invention he called bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrency has had its ups and downs. More recently, however, people have looked beyond bitcoin as being a controversial currency used for nefarious black market activity and into the endless possibilities that it presents. At the forefront is the public ledger that records every bitcoin transaction known as a blockchain.

摘要: Perhaps an even better question is: When did back-office record-keeping become so sexy? For anyone who’s been following innovation in the financial technology space, the word blockchain has become the buzzword du jour in the span of about 12 months. Conference sessions, news stories, regulatory testimony – they are all consumed with the underlying ledger technology that powers Bitcoin. It’s estimated that $1 billion has been invested in blockchain start-ups since the technology was introduced.

摘要: 最近越來越多聽到有關於用機器人或是 AI 投資的訊息。 前陣子有一個很專業的科技權威說,他用 AI 的投資的績效是自己聘請投資顧問的八倍,所以他可以把投資顧問開除了。 在AI打敗棋王後,給了人們相當大的期待,有沒有可能在投資領域,也出現能打敗股神的 AI 出現呢?

摘要: 智能投顧到底解決了什麼問題?對於投資人來說,最大的好處就是享受到了惠普金融來帶的便利:3分鐘風險評估、3分鐘開戶入金,讓投資變得更加方便。通過科學的手段,也讓策略和客戶2者產生了更加緊密的聯繫。聊智能投...

摘要: FinTech細分領域中,借貸和支付近年來發展穩步,所獲投資金額最多,借貸佔比高達46%。各個細分領域中,借貸、儲蓄及投資、保險的目標用戶均為個人及中小企業。可見,更大的個人及中小企業用戶需求亟待釋放和滿足。

摘要: FinTech細分領域中,借貸和支付近年來發展穩步,所獲投資金額最多,借貸佔比高達46%。各個細分領域中,借貸、儲蓄及投資、保險的目標用戶均為個人及中小企業。可見,更大的個人及中小企業用戶需求亟待釋放和滿足。