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摘要: 2019 saw fintech reach an inflection point on a global scale, pulling in $34.5B across 1,913 deals. Q4’19 ended the year strong, setting a quarterly funding record when excluding Ant Financial’s record $14B investment in Q2’18. Deals were less resilient and ended the year down, driven in part by a pull back in early-stage (seed/angel and Series A) deals.

摘要: 這項預計明年初上路的法案,將南韓境內加密貨幣交易商、ICO等角色納管及合法化,有助於防止加密貨幣被用於洗錢、詐騙等犯罪行為

摘要: Deep learning (DL) became an overnight “star” when a robot player beat a human player in the famed game of AlphaGo. Deep learning training and learning methods have been widely acknowledged for “humanizing” machines. Many of the advanced automation capabilities now found in enterprise AI platforms are due to the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) and deep learning technologies. What’s Next for Deep Learning? attempts to answer this question that originally appeared on Quora.

摘要: 不久前中國出現了兩位新臉孔的新聞主播,男主播新小浩出現於前,女主播新小萌出現在後,這兩位能坐能站、有手勢、有表情、有唇形變化的主播,係由新華社與搜狗公司聯合開發的「AI合成主播」,新小萌號稱是世界第一個AI新聞女主播。