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摘要: Guido van Rossum (the Python programming language’s inventor) stated in an interview a few days ago that it would be difficult for Python 4.0 to see the light of day since the programming language is now through a challenging difficulty, which would be the migration from Python 2.0 to Python 3.0.

摘要: Artificial Intelligence has had a far greater influence on our lives in more ways than we could ever envisage

摘要: As AI becomes more pervasive, AI-based discrimination is getting the attention of policymakers and corporate leaders but keeping it out of AI-models in the first place is harder than it sounds. According to a new Forrester report, Put the AI in "Fair" with the Right Approach to Fairness, most organizations adhere to fairness in principle but fail in practice.

摘要: AR/VR/XR科技出現多年,今年卻是最多產業巨頭喊話投入的一年,這究竟是一片大藍海,或只是石頭丟入水面引起的小水花?

摘要: Moving data science into production has quite a few similarities to deploying an application. But there are key differences you shouldn’t overlook.

摘要: The success or failure of AI initiatives has more to do with people than with technology. If you want to put AI into practice in a way that improves business outcomes, you must avoid these 6 mistakes.

摘要: The world has come to rely on data. Data-driven analytics fuel marketing strategies, supply chain operations, and more, and often to impressive results. However, without careful attention to data accuracy, these analytics can steer businesses in the wrong direction.