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摘要: Automation is now being applied to all sorts of white-collar tasks. AI is the ‘intelligent’ piece that helps drive more value, but not in all circumstances.

摘要: Artificial Intelligence may possibly be the single most misunderstood concept in contemporary data management. Most organizations are unclear about the relationship of AI to machine learning (they’re far from synonyms) and distinctions between supervised and unsupervised learning (which has nothing to do with monitoring results or human-in-the-loop).

摘要: Think about a typical development life cycle. There are so many stages that require constant testing. It is a critical step that removes any defects that would interfere with the final product. Now, imagine how much time testers would take with manual tests. Not only would the processes be repetitive, menial, and tiresome. They will also be prone to human errors that result from fatigue or inattention.

摘要: Digitalization, data utilization, IT speeds to market, and airtight security will be business and IT focuses for 2022 -- along with the never-ending pursuit of talent.

摘要: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are not “set and forget” technologies. They need quality assurance to operate, and continue to operate, as intended.

摘要: AI SaaS新創Appier揭露在日本上市後的第二季財報,今年6月首次實現單月營業獲利,Q2營收更年增50%,創下28億日圓的季營收歷史新高。這一季新增兩項功能,分別是深度多模型學習技術(Deep Multi-model Learning)與No Code工具Creative Studio。未來兩季更要在既有產品線中結合Chatbot功能

摘要: Artificial intelligence and machine learning will undoubtedly control the world for many years to come, as seen by the widespread use of artificial intelligence in various products, particularly in industrial utilities. Its application in a UPS is similar. Let’s look at how artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data are transforming the world today.