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摘要: 機器人的能力已今非昔比,AI也一再挑戰人類的智慧,機器人三大法則還經得起AI機器人新時代的考驗嗎?讓我們來看看這幾大法則的意涵為何。

摘要: The New York Times recently published an article demonstrating how far computer vision has come in just a few years. When the technology initially emerged back in 2014, AI-generated images of human faces were crude at best. Now, they’re nearly indistinguishable from the real thing. If one facet of AI can progress this rapidly, it begs the question: What’s next?

摘要: When we imagine the future of AI, we may think of the fiction we see in cinema: highly advanced robots that can mimic humans so well as to be indistinguishable from them. It is true that the ability to quickly learn, process, and analyze information to make decisions is a key feature of artificial intelligence.

摘要: Upskilling teams in machine learning and artificial intelligence can help you organically build a future-ready workforce with the necessary skills to face upcoming challenges.

摘要: G&J Pepsi and Zipline turn to data science and machine learning to get the right products to the right locations at the right time.

摘要: Some years back, data analysis was limited to big companies with financial capabilities. However, this is no longer the trend. Many organizations use data analytics in multiple capacities and for various reasons. Data analytics involves numerous approaches such as recording, organizing, analyzing, distribution, and data presentation.

摘要: 在資料共享的大數據時代下,個人資料隱私問題也逐漸被大家重視,現在 AI 面臨的最大挑戰,就是要想出怎麼解決隱私問題,同時優化中心模型演算法。如今「聯合學習」(Federated Learning),做到了!