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摘要: Greg has been with Experian since 2016. He has more than 18 years of experience working in product management to launch ground-breaking solutions. Wright has a proven track record of delivering successful solutions to market through acquisitions, innovations, and tactical partnerships. He is a strategic business leader who focuses and aligns teams on the most important growth opportunities. Greg has a Juris Doctorate from Stanford Law School and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Economics from Stanford University.

摘要: Enterprise-grade explainability solutions provide fundamental transparency into how machine learning models make decisions, as well as broader assessments of model quality and fairness. Is yours up to the job?

摘要: Computing advances and data expansion have suddenly made AI part of everyday life and an invaluable tool for almost every industry. Healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, law enforcement, national defense, and education all stand on the precipice of revolutions due to AI’s evolution – but perhaps no field is so perfectly suited to incorporate its potential as financial services.

摘要: 從影像辨識、語音辨識,到深度學習,各產業近年來都看好 AI 人工智慧所帶來的龐大效益,但真正能從開發走到應用的企業卻不在多數,根據 Gartner 調查,受訪企業原本預期一年之內能有 23% 的 AI 計畫完成部署,但一年後卻僅有 5% 真正被部署,究竟 AI 在落地運用上遇到什麼困境?

摘要: The advancement of human-machine partnerships requires emotion detection and appropriate responses in context, but it's a tough problem.

摘要: Demand for artificial intelligence is growing, but success rates are underwhelming. Here's what you can do to maximize the value from your AI deployment.

摘要: 說到買車,你腦中立刻浮現的是 TOYOTA、NISSAN,還是 FORD?早上精神不濟,你會直覺走到 7-Eleven 還是全家便利商店買咖啡?人們的購買行為,很多時候是從心中的「口袋名單」(Wish list)而來:當品牌一開始即在消費者的口袋名單中,就比別人占了上風。麥肯錫顧問公司研究便指出,最初被消費者視為口袋名單的品牌,比其他競品多了三倍的銷售機會。