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摘要: Time series forecasting is one of the key topics of machine learning. The fact that so many prediction issues have a temporal component makes it crucial. In contrast to many other prediction tasks, time series issues are more challenging since the time component contributes more information.

摘要: If your business is focused on data-driven, fact-based decisions, your business users may be leveraging an analytics solution to gather, find, and analyze data. Business goals include improving results and productivity and getting the best results out of your data, as well as gaining meaningful insight into data. But, you certainly want to accomplish all those goals without frustrating business users or forcing them to adopt tools that do not add value to their day-to-day workflow and tasks.

摘要: 全球超過 10 億人有視力障礙相關疾病,如果能及時接受適當治療,完全可以避免失明。比如矯正白內障就是個相對簡單的外科手術,但是外科醫生不足的情況下,或者沒有足夠的資金支付這些醫療人員薪水時(常見於開發中國家),即使手術再簡單也沒有人可以醫治。新創 ForSight Robotics 開發手術機器人,解決醫療長期人力不足的問題。這個計畫在種子輪後,得到 5500萬美元的 A 輪融資。

摘要: Customized protein design is now possible because of artificial intelligence (AI), which can be used to address both medicinal and environmental issues. A team at the University of Bayreuth has effectively used a computer-based natural language processing model for protein research under Prof. Dr. Birte Höcker.

摘要: Numerous examples of machine learning show that machine learning (ML) can be extremely useful in a variety of crucial applications, including data mining, natural language processing, picture recognition, and expert systems. In all of these areas and more, ML offers viable solutions, and it is destined to be a cornerstone of our post-apocalyptic civilization.

摘要: With the massive growth of machine learning (ML)-backed services, the term MLops has become a regular part of the conversation — and with good reason.