摘要:From wild speculation that flying cars will become the norm to robots that will be able to tend to our every need, there is lots of buzz about how AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning will change our lives. However, at present, it seems like a far-fetched future.
摘要: Roughly a year ago, Microsoft announced it would invest $1 billion in OpenAI to jointly develop new technologies for Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform and to “further extend” large-scale AI capabilities that “deliver on the promise” of artificial general intelligence (AGI).
摘要: While ML can dramatically enhance an organization's security posture, it is critical to understand some of its challenges when designing security strategies.
摘要: 去年NLP領域最火的莫過於BERT了,得益於數據規模和計算力的提升,BERT在大規模語料上預訓練(Masked Language Model + Next Sentence Prediction)之後可以很好地從訓練語料中捕獲豐富的語義信息,對各項任務瘋狂屠榜。我們在對BERT進行微調之後可以很好地適用到自己的任務上。如果想深入了解BERT的運行機制,就需要去仔細地研讀一下BERT的源碼。今天這篇文章我們來看看在BERT提出大半年之後,又有哪些基於BERT的有趣的研究。