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摘要: More businesses and consumers are conducting their daily tasks and transactions online, meaning offering seamless digital experiences is becoming increasingly important for today’s financial institutions (FIs). This also means banks must work to ensure their online services are kept secure against the bad actors as they follow customers’ lead, however.

摘要: Stuart Gillen, Senior Manager at Kalypso, offers a few ways manufacturing organizations can leverage predictive maintenance to identify potential issues, reduce the occurrence and length of unplanned downtime, and get the most value from assets and budgets.


摘要: Data science is now essential to e-commerce success. Targeting the right audience through advertising platforms is highly necessary to boost online sales as customers only want to look at relevant products or items they need. Artificial intelligence (AI), with the assistance of machine learning (ML), helps determine the target audience based on customer preferences and past browsing data, which help bring potential buyers and score inbound sales.


摘要: Recently, nearly 25 percent of unvaccinated adults said that they definitely will not get vaccinated. Meaning, herd immunity will become very challenging to reach. Fortunately, however, the healthcare industry is trying to find ways to leverage AI and behavioral science to combat vaccine hesitancy and boost efforts to hit the herd immunity threshold.