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摘要: A diversity of cloud computing models is transforming how broker-dealers operate, with the potential to enhance agility, efficiency, resiliency and security within firms’ operations, while also highlighting the importance for firms to consider relevant regulatory factors for maintaining investor protection and market integrity, according to a new research report from FINRA.

摘要: A growing number of connected electric vehicles, as well as the evolution of self driving and automated vehicles are putting a greater demand on processing power. New technologies are advancing rapidly with the introduction of new processing methods, according to experts at BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN), (OTCQX: BRCHF), a leading provider of ultra-low power high performance artificial intelligence technology.

摘要: 全球外送產業在疫情下無限壯大,台灣自從在今年 5 月中進入外送產業後,外送平台訂單也增加了 3 成。然而有多個報導指出,外送員雖然在各地城市滿街跑,但許多外送服務平台,包括了 DoorDash、UberEats、Grubhub 卻一直在虧錢。 外送業想要把疫情期間帶來的大量訂單動能翻轉成利潤,似乎得把眼光放得更遠,只著眼在「送餐」一種商業模式上,似乎已經不夠了。