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摘要: Understanding how to cultivate optimism in the midst of crisis can enable IT leaders and their teams to not...



"Optimism isn’t a passive expectation that things will get better," Melinda Gates once said. "It’s a conviction that we can make things better."


As a facet of emotional intelligence, optimism is not a “glass half full” or “rose-colored glasses” approach to life. “It’s a life strategy that involves a way of sensing new opportunities, seeing over the horizon, and developing deep emotional courage and resilience in the face of setbacks,” says Martyn Newman, a clinical psychologist and founder of leadership consultancy RocheMartin, who helps individual leaders and corporations increase emotional intelligence. ”It’s far from being naïve or having a Pollyanna-ish view of the world. Optimists have setbacks and disappointments, but they have the emotional skill to go back and back again in the face of them.”



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