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摘要: Where to start with DevOps? Let's explore how to get going with this cross-functional way of working that breaks...





One of these newer approaches, aimed at further enabling business agility, is DevOps. This term resulted from the gap that arose from software development being built and packaged up by one group of people, and then being operated and maintained by a completely different group of people. The packages of software would metaphorically be thrown over the wall from the army of developers to the army of operational staff.

This meant operations teams often had to learn about software the hard way, by investigating production incidents in the pressurized live environment. They would address bugs that were not found until production usage of the applications had started. This often meant handling new scenarios that had not been considered in business requirement planning.

To plug this gap, organizations brought together development and operations teams: They brought down the wall and formed new teams focused on the development and the operations of the technology tools, with collective responsibility.



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