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摘要: Previously, we looked at some Challenges of Data Science Projects. They can be difficult, and they do not always succeed. Below are 3 techniques to help your next project become a data science success.



1. Start with a Plan

If you don’t know where you are going, you might end up someplace else.

Yogi Berra

This quote by Yogi is humorous, but it is true. Without a plan, who knows where you will end up. Data science is no different. Planning is important. Monica Rogati, one of the early pioneers of data science, has put together a Data Science Hierarchy of Needs. AI and deep learning are at the top. Everyone wants to start there. That is the cool stuff that makes the news and gets the attention. However, there is a large foundation that exists underneath AI. As an organization, you need to determine where you are on the pyramid and work your way towards the top.



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