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摘要: 「九四事件」即將重演!繼稍早深圳的金融監管單位將「虛擬貨幣炒作」納入管理重點後,中國央行「人民銀行 PBoC」於稍早也正式發表相關聲明,除了表明「清楚零容忍的態度」以及「後續的監管行動之外」,還在聲明中多是提到 2017 年造成「九四事件」的《關於防範代幣發行融資風險的公告》,比特幣隨後經歷數小時的大跌,於晚間 7 時左右正式跌破 7000 點大關,同時價格也回到了「習近平支持區塊鏈」事件前的低點以下。

摘要: 繼昨日(22 日)中國央行(人民銀行)上海總部聲明將「加大監管力度」並「打擊虛擬貨幣交易」後,比特幣隨即大跌超過 9 個百分點,一度跌破 7000 美元(習近平效應推升幣價前的最低點);今日,在當地本就與監管單位更加接近的財經媒體巨頭《證券時報》,再傳出內幕消息:「幣圈抓捕潮才剛剛開始」。

摘要: Risk stratification in healthcare is defined as the process of assigning a risk status to all patients in a practice. The risk status is based on data collected through a multitude of sources such as medical history, health indicators, and the lifestyle of an adult or paediatric population. The objectives of stratifying risk include addressing population management challenges, individualizing treatment plans to lower risks, matching risk with levels of care, and aligning the practice with value-based care approaches.

摘要: Throughout the Digital Age, big data’s reputation has changed. Companies see data sets the same as drilling for oil: It’s invaluable. But this wasn’t always the case. Josh Green has seen the data pendulum swing. As CEO and co-founder of Panjiva, a global trade data company now owned by S&P Global, Green has built his career around finding ways data can assist companies involved in international trade.