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摘要: 區塊鏈技術在結算處理的效率上有目共睹,利用分散式帳本技術(DLT)確保紀錄真實,再以共同帳本來減去繁雜的文書處理工作;不過,新技術總是會經歷一段在法規上窒礙難行的過程,在特別嚴格的美國執法單位監管下,Paxos 似乎堅挺地撐過來了。

摘要: Technological advancements constantly reshape America's banking and consumer finance ecosystem. Today, artificial intelligence ("AI") is among the most intriguing technologies driving financial decisionmaking. Powerful enough on its own to warrant significant investment, AI has even more transformative potential when coupled with industry momentum toward greater use of "big data" and alternative or non-traditional sources of information.

摘要: How is artificial intelligence – and its prominent discipline, machine learning – helping deliver better business insights from big data? Let’s examine some ways – and peek at what’s next for AI and big data analysis

摘要: For over the last decade, some of the most successful companies on earth have made their riches by mining user data and selling it to advertisers. The big question is whether this will continue to be a sustainable business model with the ever-mounting scrutiny on data privacy and if not – what’s the alternative?