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Small businesses are increasingly leaving their mark on the global economy as a whole.


The world is changing for quantitative researchers in finance. Not long ago, they actually needed to know something about financial services, these days they just need to be...quants.






In this article, the author will discuss 7 common loss functions used in machine learning and explain where each of them is used. We have a lot to cover in this article so let’s begin!


Bayesian Target Encoding is a feature engineering technique used to map categorical variables into numeric variables. The Bayesian framework requires only minimal updates as new data is acquired and is thus well-suited for online learning. Furthermore, the Bayesian approach makes choosing and interpreting hyperparameters intuitive. I developed this technique in the recent Avito Kaggle Competition, where my team and I took 14th place out of 1,917 teams. We found that the Bayesian target encoding outperforms the built-in categorical encoding provided by the LightGBM package.






The drastic growth in mobile users has resulted in the boost of the mobile app development industry. Mobile application development companies assist businesses to plan and design top mobile apps that are unique yet meet the norms set by the client.


這篇文章要介紹的去中心化借貸名叫 MakerDAO,它是一種基於算法和智能合約的穩定幣借貸業務。用戶將數字加密貨幣資產通過智能合約抵押給無差別對待的 MakerDAO 係統,借出與美元價值掛鉤的 DAI 穩定幣。


Apple Pay 的副總裁 珍妮佛‧貝莉,在美國 CNN 的系列活動裡提到加密貨幣,並表示該公司認為加密貨幣有長期潛力。


澳洲科學家的克雷格.懷特(Craig Wright)高達鉅額比特幣訴訟案似乎逐漸塵埃落定。對此,懷特與其律師向地方法院提出動議,表示因颶風影響要求延長反駁判決的準備時間。


前不久剛推出面向機構的比特幣 ETF 的 VanEck 和 SolidX 已於 9 月 13 日撤回了原有的比特幣 ETF 提案。SEC 於昨日公佈的文件證實了此消息。


德勤盧森堡(Deloitte Luxembourg)為了要讓員工提升數位金融的意識,開始讓員工在簡單的 APP 上用比特幣支付。讓接下來在管理基金、處理交易時,能夠了解比特幣的運作方式。


全球市值第四大的銀行富國銀行(Wells Fargo & Co.)於週二宣佈,計畫推出基於分散式帳本技術的內部結算服務「富國銀行數位現金」,最初將試驗於企業內部清算。


政府發言人表示中國內蒙古自治區正在進行檢查,要在今年 10 月以前,清除內蒙古當地所有非法的比特幣採礦業務。


昨天 HTC 正式宣佈與 合作,在旗下的區塊鏈旗艦型手機上,新增對比特幣現金(BCH)的支援,此舉引發部分比特幣社群的反彈。


布魯克林籃網隊(Brooklyn Nets)後衛史賓賽.典韋迪(Spencer Dinwiddie)傳出將透過 3 年 3400 萬美元的 NBA 合約代幣化,透買代幣的投資者將可以獲得本金和利息。


繼六月份推出跟投(Mirrow Trading)的服務,加密貨幣資產管理新創 Bincentive 將推出「尊榮專案(Premium Strategies)」,與數字資產管理公司「Lucy Labs」以及「Amber AI」合作,一般投資人只要有 0.5 顆比特幣,就能參與專業加密貨幣對沖基金開設的量化策略。


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