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In a potentially historic marriage of supercomputing and big data, IBM goes live Thursday with a global weather model that it says can provide far more accurate forecasts for the entire world.


The foreign exchange market has been one of the most restricted ones for several decades. Due to the many changes in the exchange rates and additional fees, many users could not comprehend the process of making payments. To make it simple for users, many fintech startups have started coming up with their own solutions to make changes to the overseas payments.


In a potentially historic marriage of supercomputing and big data, IBM goes live Thursday with a global weather model that it says can provide far more accurate forecasts for the entire world.


Data is revolutionizing numerous aspects of people’s lives, but not for all people equally. We are missing huge opportunities to use new data-driven innovations to improve the health of the poorest and most vulnerable, especially mothers and young children.


Even though banking and financial services have been slower than other industries to adopt the latest technology into their operations, financial organizations are trying to catch up by incorporating artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other technology to benefit their customers, remain competitive and improve business results. Here are the 7 biggest technology trends that will disrupt banking and financial services in 2020.


Google is the latest big tech company to make a move into banking and personal financial services: The company is gearing up to offer checking accounts to consumers, as first reported by The Wall Street Journal, starting as early as next year. Google is calling the project “Cache,” and it’ll partner with banks and credit unions to offer the checking accounts, with the banks handling all financial and compliance activities related to the accounts.


With thousands of applications moving to the cloud, it’s time we think about what will keep them going in the coming years


以太坊共同創造者 Vitalik Buterin 在 ETHWaterloo 2. 的活動上接受採訪,針對工作量證明(Proof-of-Work)和權益證明(Proof-of-Stake)的爭論發表了他的看法,他認為單純依據交易手續費已經讓區塊的發行到達了一個可能對整個網路的安全性造成威脅的點,就低安全性預算而言,權益證明的性能優於工作量證明。


據俄羅斯當地媒體,突尼西亞(Tunisia)中央銀行宣布啟動突尼西亞第納爾平台和數位化的相關工作,將透過俄羅斯開發商創建的平台 Universa Blockchain 發行虛擬貨幣:電子第納爾(e-dinar);而這樣的舉動也讓突尼西亞成為第一個宣布將部分貨幣供應轉移為電子形式的國家。


美國比特幣購物回饋新創「Lolli」在光棍節當天(11 月 11 日)發布消息,表示他們和中國電商巨頭阿里巴巴正式合作,Lolli 用戶在阿里巴巴線上購物時可賺取高達 5% 的比特幣。


香港金融管理局(金管局)今年五月和泰國央行(Bank of Thailand,BOT)簽訂了諒解備忘錄,攜手合作研究央行數位貨幣等相關項目,而據外媒 EJ Insight,香港金融管理局在近期金融科技週活動中透露,它一直在進行一項研究項目,以了解中央銀行數字貨幣(CBDC)的應用,並可能在下一季度的第一季度發布報告。


Libra 受阻,Facebook Pay來了!


目前市場上流通的加密貨幣期貨商品只有被監管認證非證券類資產的比特幣(BTC),這是因為監管機構對於一些試圖以金融衍生品擴大市場需求的加密貨幣是否為證券還尚未研究透徹;先前曾傳出以太幣可能有望成為第二個合規的加密貨幣衍生品項目,但這似乎隨著眾所矚目的以太坊 2.0 升級而再度出現了變化⋯⋯


比特幣誕生至今 11 年,儘管在 2018 年底戲劇性地短暫飆升至 20,000 美元的歷史高點,卻又在短短幾週後急速下滑,不少人將比特幣價值無法有效提升的原因歸咎於它無法落地應用、取代法幣,而一部分因素在於比特幣支付系統的不齊全,那麼當比特幣支付處理器達到像其他支付系統的完善程度時,比特幣又會迎來怎樣的榮景呢?


借貸平台新創 Compound Finance 在近期完成了2500 萬美元(超過 7 億新台幣)的 A 輪融資,由矽谷超級天使投資人、創投傳奇 a16z (Andreessen Horowitz)私人風投公司領投,在專注於開發借貸協議架構的現階段,獲得大筆融資資金後公司提出與其他加密貨幣產業中的交易所、經紀商以及託管公司合作,進一步擴大其業務範圍。


荷蘭當地企業家兼億萬富翁的約翰.戴.莫爾,近日收到當地法院的判決書,表示在他控訴知名社群媒體公司 Facebook 的一案中獲得勝利。未來 Facebook 需要徹下損害他個人形象、以戴.莫爾肖像作為廣告噱頭的比特幣投資廣告,否則就要賠償 120 萬美元的罰款。





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